MelissaDWhite 0034
Thank You for your support, Melissa!
Here are our top 10 favorite moments of you over the years! Continue to be great and leave your Impact on the world!
Hey Melissa!
Here's my breakdown on why those are my favorite 10 images of you!
Starting with the time you reconnected with your brother. Even God was looking out as your phone, while temporarily lost, was placed somewhere easy for you to relocate and get reconnected to your important connections in your life.
Then, there was the time you were profoundly impacted by the memorial outside of your hotel room in DC. That SparKHx'd your Free For What sermon, which was excellent! Thank you to Mareeshah for recapping your greatness that day!
Next, I chose a few photos of you looking beautiful and confident. There was that day at OxWork where you received one of my infamous impromptu photoshoots! I may not have seen you on the day where you wore the red dress, but you were stunning... so Yasssss! The memory lives ON! And of course! I had to throw in the day where you owned your "FutureMillionaire" status! I can totally relate (although no picture to affirm it, yet!)
Next, is your branded quote about Moving to the Next Level, which sis! Issa Whole word! We are so often aggravated or frustrated in our current level, that we pray for the next. Yet, we haven't even taken time to receive and appreciate the blessings of this level.
Which brings me to Human Decency. That's free! But you sold it, sis!!!
I scrolled down even further and found my last three faves: Webinar Faces, your recap of your "Behnid This Woman Podcast" episode, and another quote which I think is worth reposting: Tag Your Favorite Coach. You're definitely my favorite coach! Truth be told, I didn't see the value before you. I do now and you are officially, my Favorite Coach!
Thank you for all that you do, Melissa! Your support is priceless!