Evolution of a Boss Fashion Show Recap
Allow me to take you back to March 23rd, 2019 to a Boss' Fashion Show hosted by @BossNightInn in Atlanta. The video below captures some of the best moments from the event. Personally produced by me with clips from various sources, this recap video and the story that follows will take you through the divine story of an Evolution of a Boss.
Our goal in hosting this event was to showcase the characteristic journey of an entrepreneur as she pursues her purpose and becomes Queen of her God-given empire. We punctated this journey with four major entrepreneurial themes: Werk from 9-5, Dreaming of More, Part Time Hustle, and Head Boss Queen in Charge.
To launch each theme, we had a guest performance by four talented women who are all in their own lane of the full-time entrepreneur grind. We witnessed powerful stories and reminders from the Purpose Producer @GeorgiaDawkins, Speaker @BrandiBrownSpeaks, Poet & Author @MorganBullock, and Singer & Songwriter @MelissaAshleyMusic.
We were also fortunate to partner with four incredible designers - @JenksFashionique, @BrickXLace, @ShopBlakeOlivia, and @FaithPlusWerk, who each added compelling outfits that added dynamic flavor to the show.
Food was catered and provided by @SugarPoshSugarPosh and drinks and Hookah were made available for purchase by our venue @iLoungeAtlanta.
When I tell you, we were so grateful to execute such an incredible event, it truly was out of our league at first... but God pulled it all together spectacularly! Here's how it all went down...
How Evolution Of A Boss Came To Be
In the Fall of 2018, after hosting our first ever Sleepover Conference, the women of @BossNightInn began planning for our next big Boss Event.
The Sleepover Conference was such a huge success that we wanted to continue to deliver extraordinary opportunities for Boss Queens to genuinely connect and mastermind.
A vendor from our first event, Sunset Social, reached out and asked if we would host an event catered around their sunglasses, something like a Fashion Show,
When we heard the idea, it was a foreign concept. Why would a women's empowerment group for entrepreneurs host a Fashion Show? We didn't see the vision, so we decided to table the idea.
A few months later, we were entertaining the idea of Boss merchandise and needed a way to really push our proposed product. As I meditated on what we could do, God spoke to me and said host a Fashion Show. Initially, I expressed doubt in my spirit, so He told me to continue to meditate on the idea for a week or so.
That week came and went and the Experts behind @BossNightInn were due for a conference call. I planned to tell the ladies what God said to me, but Mademoiselle @CocoChanelFitness beat me to it!
She proposed we reconsider hosting a Fashion Show. Clearly God had already spoken to me about it the week before, so I was now very much on board! @BrittaniKrystin got on board as well, so we set out to host a Fashion Show.
We began reaching out to vendors, sponsors, designers, and other volunteers to help us. We ordered our merch and scheduled a date at the end of January. We started to get interest from designers and volunteers, so we began promoting the event.
And then we ran Into issues. We had issues with the venue, securing sponsorships, ticket sales, and just about everything else you can think of. We tried to push through, but as the date drew near, we felt unprepared to launch. We had to have a tough conversation about whether to cancel or reschedule the event. Ultimately, we thought about our brand, and realized the legacy we wanted to leave didn't involve us quitting. We are Boss Queens and it was time for us to Boss Up!
In the end, we agreed to reschedule the Fashion Show. We had to reach out to everyone that had agreed to participate and notify them that we were rescheduling. The worst part was having to tell our previous vendors that were planning to feature their pieces in the show. We were doing this show for them and now, we were inconveniencing them. It was tough.
We swallowed our pride and pushed forward. We had a goal to accomplish!
As the new date drew near, things started to look up. We lucked up and found a chic venue that was a way better price than our initial venue. Although we did lose the designer who initially gave us the idea, we secured a few new designers that we hadn't met. We relaunched the new date with a brand new photoshoot which was Lit! It drove instant ticket sales.
Before we knew it, our event was SOLD OUT! We sold over 50 tickets making it our largest event to date.
The night before, we met the models, designers, and volunteers for the first time. (Yes! Just the night before the big event.) We gave them the run of show, began fittings, and had the models show us their walk. That night, we stayed up until 5am finishing the work needed to set the event off.
In the end, it was all worth it! The Fashion Show was a huge success! We even surprised ourselves! It taught us that if we remain persistent in the things that God has asked of us, He will always make sure we are successful. We feel confident that our events will only get bigger and better - but now we know that nothing can stop us!
Click the video below to see a recap of Evolution of a Boss!